Bachata Dance: The Basic
Last updated: 15 Jun 2021
This is part of the Bachata Dance: Theoretical Framework series.
Just a quick notation introduced here:
- Leader: the Leader is the person writing the dance moves
(Typically the boy.) - Follower: the Follower is the person executing the dance moves led by the Leader
(Typically the girl.)
The real basic Basic
The Basic is just footwork (Follower’s perspective):
- Step right on 1
- Close up with left foot on 2
- Step right on 3
- Close up and tap with left foot on 4.
- Vice versa for counts 5 to 8.
The most basic version of the Basic travels in the Bachata Slot (to the right on 1 to 4; to the left on 5 to 8). This requires no communication between dance partners. Always do this Basic when you sense no lead from the Leader.
Basic In-Place (Basic-IP)
The Basic-IP is like the Basic, but with different footwork and zero travel:
- Step right on 1
- Step in place with left foot on 2
- Close up with right foot on 3
- Tap with left foot on 4.
- Vice versa for counts 5 to 8.
Don’t confuse this with the various in-place Basics in Sensual Position (TODO: link there), which are really just in-place quiet shuffles.
The Basic-IP is used to execute Pivot Out, which is where we will discuss details about its lead and execution (TODO: link to Pivot Turns). The Basic-IP must be led by the Leader.
Basic Rotating-In-Place (Basic-RIP)
The Basic-RIP is like the Basic in footwork, but with rotation and zero travel.
The Basic-RIP is often used as a setup for the Free-Spin, which is where we will discuss details about its lead and execution (TODO: link to Free-Spin). The Basic-RIP must be led by the Leader.
(TODO: put up a video to demonstrate?)